recipe of chicken feet dim sum style pinit C Chicken High Protein

This dim sum style recipe for chicken feet is delicious. Even though this section of the chicken isn't as meaty as the rest, it still tastes like chicken. The dish is rich in flavor on every single bite, with an almost sumptuous mouthfeel that you won't find in any other chicken cut. Because when it is cooked, the high collagen content gives them a gelatin-like texture with a flavorful sauce that makes the dish taste awesome. The Chinese traditional dim sum chicken feet preparation may be fairly complicated, but in this recipe we make it super easy to follow and still the taste is comparable. This homemade recipe offers quite similar flavor and softness while taking less time and effort in preparation. Make this straightforward recipe at home. Let us know what you think of this dish. We'd love to hear your chicken feet dim sum style version; share it with us. Thanks.

kalderetang baboy recipe pork caldereta recipe pinit High Protein P Pork

Kalderetang baboy recipe, also known as pork caldereta recipe, is a Filipino stew dish. This pork meal is cooked in a tomato sauce with spices and veggies to make it both delicious and nutritious. If you're looking for a stew recipe to make at home, this Filipino stew meal is a great choice to try and put on your menu. Share and enjoy the food.

Recipe for Pork Humba Pata with Sprite pinit High Protein P Pork

This recipe for pork humba pata with sprite is so delicious. By the way, this recipe is not the original humba; it's another variation with a twist of Sprite soda drink to bring extra flavor to the dish.
The ham hock pata is cooked with Sprite, soy sauce, and vinegar, along with salty black beans, and simmered until the meat is fork-tender. This is a delicious Filipino recipe for a get-together that can be served for lunch or dinner.

pata recipe for pork humba pinit High Protein P Pork

Pata recipe for pork humba is another variation of the original humba recipe. By the way, what is humba or homba? The humba dish is a Filipino braised pork dish. This method of cooking has its origins in the Visayan islands. If you're an adobo lover, humba has similarities to it but is sweeter and fattier than adobo. How is this recipe prepared? It's very simple. In this recipe, we use pork pata. Simmer the pata (pork hock) until the meat is fork tender. Then, once it is tender, sauté it with spices like garlic and onion, then add the certain seasonings. Continue cooking until the sauce becomes slightly thick, adjust the taste, and serve. Note : The taste should be a bit sweeter than the adobo to make the dish humba.

If you’re looking for a pork braised recipe, I think this Filipino humba recipe is a great choice to have in your kitchen. Try this recipe for Pork Pata Humba. Tell me what you think. Comment down below in the comment section. Share your humba recipe with us. We appreciate it very much. Feel free to browse our recipe archive. Share and enjoy the food. Thank you for visiting us.

sinaing na tulingan pinit Fish High Protein Pescetarian

Sinaing na tulingan, a version of paksiw na isda (braised tuna), is a beloved Filipino recipe that originated from the coastal towns of Batangas. It is best cooked in a clay pot wrapped in banana leaves to enhance the flavour, but a wok or deep pot will work too. Cook small to medium-sized tulingan (bullet tuna) with kamias (bilimbi) to give it an extra-ordinary taste. Simmering the fish for 5 to 8 hours is the method to make the flesh and bones very tender and yummy.