This Mung bean sprout recipe with fried egg is an easy version of Ginisang Togue. This recipe is nutritious, tasty, and simple to prepare. Start by frying the egg first. When done, set it aside and continue to cook. Saute the garlic and onion, followed by the bean sprouts, or tague in Tagalog. The fried egg goes in last, along with the chopped green onion. Then toss with the sauce.
This nutritious recipe may be prepared for lunch on any given day. This recipe can be enhanced further according to your preferences, for example by adding fried tofu and extra spices. It’s best to serve it while still warm, with a side of a bowl of rice. Try this mung bean sprout recipe with fried egg. Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section.
Happy Cooking! Share and enjoy eating.