Fried Galunggong Recipe with Spicy Toyomansi . Galunggong, or “ Blue Mackerel Scad" in English, also known as round scad, maachili, or shortfin scad is mostly seen on subtropical islands where it is highly abundant, like the Philippines. It's one of the simplest dishes that a Filipino household can prepare. It’s not too expensive for every Filipino family earning only a minimum wage salary. Fried is one of the most common and affordable ways to cook this galunggong. This fish is also good for escabeche, pinangat, sarciado, inun-onan in the Vasayas islands and many more. The fried galunggong remains as delicious as ever with the sawsawan dipping sauce. I ate this fried galunggong with spicy sawsawan toyomansi. This dish is not so fancy but for me, it is the best with tuyomansi and chopped red chillies (sarap anghang). It's affordable, delicious, nutritious, and simple to cook.