How to cook the ampalaya dish (bitter gourd or bitter melon)? Ampalaya can be cooked easily in many different ways, like ginisang ampalaya, a Filipino food, and many more dishes from different cuisines. In this recipe, we will prepare ampalaya in 2 ways, and this will show you how easily it is to cook. We know that this vegetable has an unpleasant bitter taste at first, but there are many ways to turn it into a wonderful and tasty dish. Despite its bitterness, this vegetable is high in nutrients that help our bodies stay physically fit and healthy.
As I said, we cook it in 2 ways. We will make torta and ampalaya rings. Video tutorials are provided below for further reference. To make this recipe easy, just follow our simple steps on how to make it. This dish is budget-friendly to make. This is a great substitute viand for everyone since we are all experiencing high inflation rates. If you are interested in Filipino cuisine, please try our recipe. Let us know if you like it, and you can also share your ampalaya recipe with us if you want. Just use our comment section and leave it there. Thank you. Happy cooking, share and enjoy eating.