Bingka Dawa, or millet rice cake, is so delicious, and its origin is from the town of Asturias, Cebu, Philippines. Bingka is the Filipino rice cake; bingka dawa is the Asturian version of bingka in Cebu. In very old times, the local farmers came up with the idea to make the traditional bingka more appetizing, delicious, and with a unique texture. They added dawa, or millet, to the traditional bingka ingredients. That is the short story of how the Bingka Dawa was born, as far as I know. Since I’m a fanatic for bingka dawa because of the taste and texture, I decided to copycat the recipe. Luckily, I got a good result; it tasted quite similar to my favorite bingka daw in Asturias, Cebu, Philippines. The original bingka dawa from Asturias, Cebu, is cooked with charcoal and coconut husk. Maybe many Filipinos aren't familiar with this recipe yet. Try this recipe, and I'm sure you and your entire family will enjoy and love the dish. Let us know what you think of the recipe. We'd love to hear from you; share your bingka version with us.
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