This Banana Cue recipe is so delicious. This recipe uses the single important ingredient, the plantain banana, or Saba in Filipino terms. It is a tropical fruit that commonly grows in countries like the Philippines. Saba can’t only be cooked by frying or steaming, but it is often used in cooking because of its delicious taste and natural sweetness.
Banana cue is the Filipino given name of a fried banana cooked in vegetable oil and brown sugar, then skewered with a bamboo stick. This Filipino snack is typically sold at street food vendors near schools, or even inside school cafeterias and other densely populated locations such as the market. This is one of the best among many Filipino snacks like hotcakes and many more, with a matching cold, refreshing drink.
This native snack is a staple food in the Philippines and is generally considered one of the best mid-afternoon snacks by many Filipinos. You want to try easy and simple Filipino snacks? This recipe is one of the best, so try this. Simply follow our simple instructions on how to make banana cue. An instructional video is provided below. Just in case you need it. Scroll down and click to watch it. Thank you.