banana steamed cake pinit Dairy Desserts Desserts E Egg Kids

This cake is incredibly easy to create and does not require the use of an oven. All we have to do now is combine the necessary components, which include all-purpose flour, baking powder, egg, evaporated milk, buttermilk, sugar, and water. The cake would be healthier if sweet potatoes and ripe bananas were added. Surely, children and adults will love it.

Strawberry Jelly Salad pinit Cold Dairy Desserts Desserts Kids

The strawberry jelly salad will be made with flavored gelatin in this recipe. It’s very easy and simple to make. Cook the gelatin and cut it into small pieces before adding the remaining ingredients. It's that simple, and you've got yourself a tasty salad. It's best to serve when it chilled.

Banana turon pinit Dairy Desserts Desserts Kids

In this recipe we will make turon banana cheese. Our main ingredient is Saba (or Cardava or Plantain in English), a common kind of banana in the Philippines, which is commonly used for making turon. Stuff it with sliced cheese fillings to bring more delicious, unique flavor. It is an easy and satisfying snack.

ube pastillas recipe pinit Cold Dairy Desserts Desserts Kids

In this recipe, we'll make quick and easy ube pastillas at home. It is not necessary to cook the ingredients. All you have to do is combine the ingredients and you'll have a delightful sweet ube milk candy to enjoy for dessert.

melon ice cream pinit Cold Dairy Desserts Desserts Kids

In this recipe you will learn how to make an easy homemade ice cream with just 2 ingredients only. It doesn't require any special equipment to make. It tastes just like store-bought ice cream, so you'll be surprised at how delicious it is.

Chocolate Ganache Recipe pinit C Chocolate Cold Dairy Kids

In this recipe, we will make an affordable and easy ganache with a delicious and chocolaty flavor. We will use the famous Milo chocolate powder here in the Philippines, or you can use any available chocolate powder product on hand. We will mix it with the other ingredients, like flour, butter, vanilla, sugar, and milk. Heat and mix and we will have a delicious ganache, ready to spread on your favorite bread. Kids and adults will surely love it.