sayote recipe with chicken

Sayote Recipe with Chicken

Nutritious Sayote Recipe with Chicken Ginisang sayote recipe with chicken or sauteed chayote is a simple, tasty, and nutritious Filipino recipe that is also inexpensive. This vegetable is known variously as sayote in the Philippines, chayote, mirliton, or pear squash in English. You may serve …

fluffy omelet recipe

Super Fluffy Omelet with Cheese Recipe

Omelet with Cheese This super fluffy omelet with cheese recipe will be ready in minutes. Super fluffy Omelet with Cheese recipe is inspired by the four main omelet types, which can be distinguished by the preparation methods or cooking techniques they use. The French-style, frittata, …

Tofu with ground pork recipe

Stir fry Tofu with Ground Pork Recipe

Delicious Stir fry Tofu This stir fry tofu with ground pork recipe is a great dish to prepare at home and very delicious. It also contains a rich source of protein. It is simple to prepare. You can make this dish in just about 20 …

fried eggplant

Yummy Crispy Fried Eggplant

Crispiest Tastiest Fried Eggplant Fried eggplant is a very easy dish that you can make at home. In this recipe, I make it so crispy and delicious. I added some spices to make it a more delectable and mouth-watering dish. This is the crispiest fried …


Calamares Recipe

Filipino Calamares Recipe This Calamares recipe is a wonderful way to eat your favorite squid. This seafood appetizer tastes best when it is freshly cooked. A great seafood main dish, or best for pulutan. Enjoy our recipe with hard liquor or an ice-cold beer and …

how to make a leche flan recipe

How to make a leche flan recipe?

How to make a leche flan recipe? This super easy leche flan recipe is for beginners. This will show you and teach you how to make leche flan in an easy way. Follow the step-by-step instructions below. Leche flan is a delicious dessert. It is …