fried fish galunggong recipe pinit Fish High Protein Quick Meals

Fried Galunggong Recipe with Spicy Toyomansi . Galunggong, or “ Blue Mackerel Scad" in English, also known as round scad, maachili, or shortfin scad is mostly seen on subtropical islands where it is highly abundant, like the Philippines. It's one of the simplest dishes that a Filipino household can prepare. It’s not too expensive for every Filipino family earning only a minimum wage salary. Fried is one of the most common and affordable ways to cook this galunggong. This fish is also good for escabeche, pinangat, sarciado, inun-onan in the Vasayas islands and many more. The fried galunggong remains as delicious as ever with the sawsawan dipping sauce. I ate this fried galunggong with spicy sawsawan toyomansi. This dish is not so fancy but for me, it is the best with tuyomansi and chopped red chillies (sarap anghang). It's affordable, delicious, nutritious, and simple to cook.

sarciadong galunggong recipe pinit Fish High Protein Quick Meals

Sarciadong galunggong recipe is another quick and easy Filipino recipe that you can cook for the whole family. This term sarciado, which is derived from the Filipino word sarsa or salsa, which means "sauce," refers to a thick sauce. Fried fish and scrambled eggs with tomatoes make up the main components of this sarciado recipe. A few ingredients that are added to the dish enhance its flavor. This recipe is the best way to re-cook any leftover fried fish galunggong. It will have a different flavor and appearance, much like any freshly prepared dish you can enjoy.

corn beef recipe with fried eggplant pinit B Beef High Protein Quick Meals

This corn beef recipe with fried eggplant is very easy to make. It consists of simple ingredients yet it is very tasty to eat. This recipe is a terrific choice for me to cook when I'm in a hurry. I love cooking this dish for breakfast. The ingredients for this recipe are easy to find in the market or even in our kitchen. By simply sauteing the garlic and onion, then adding the corned beef and pan-fried eggplant with other ingredients, you’ll have a simple yet wonderful dish that can be enjoyed with the whole family.

If you’re looking for an easy recipe, I think this could be a great option to try. Step-by-step instructions are given below. What do you think of this recipe? Share your corned beef recipes with us. Just leave it down in the comment section. We appreciate it very much. Feel free to browse our recipe archive. Share and enjoy the food. Thank you for visiting us.

banana turon recipe with barnuts pinit Desserts Desserts Kids

Banana turon recipe with barnuts. This Filipino snack, turon, is the most well-liked street food in the country. Turon really comes in a wide variety today, from the original recipe to many variations, from basic classic turon with no fillings within. Some variations have different fillings within, like langka (jackfruit), cheese, chocolates, and even barnuts for this recipe. The original one was simple lumpia wrappers are used to roll the banana slices, which are then fried to form a crisp and delicious snack coated with caramelized sugar.

This delicious snack is typically offered on the streets with maruya or even banana cue. Due to their inherent sweetness, good smell, and crispness when cooked, many Filipinos love to eat these adorable snacks with a pair of refreshing cold drinks. Are you a sweet lover looking for something to eat? I think you will not miss this recipe. It’s very easy to make yet sweet and delicious banana snacks in just less than 20 minutes. Turon is best served warm and crisp. For more recipes, please feel free to visit our recipe archives at your most convenient time. What do you think of this recipe? Comment down below. We appreciate it very much. Happy cooking, share and enjoy the food. Thanks for visiting us.

recipe for shrimp tempura recipe pinit High Protein Quick Meals S Seafood S Shrimp

This recipe is a simple Japanese recipe for shrimp tempura. By the way, what is tempura? According to Wikipedia" The dish was introduced by the Portuguese in Nagasaki through fritter-cooking techniques in the 16th century". Then, later on, it becomes a traditional Japanese dish that often consists of deep-fried seafood, meat, and vegetables. This Japanese food is becoming more popular among many Filipinos. because it has a perfect texture, especially if it is perfectly prepared. The texture is perfect and is crisp, and the flavor is delicious. Japanese chefs are very masterful at making tempura.
Aside from the shrimp ingredients when making tempura, you can also use vegetables to make tempura dishes, like eggplant tempura. A tempura dish is best served crisp with a tempura dipping sauce. You can eat this with a side of steamed rice with a cold refreshing beverage.

If you’re looking for a fried, crisp seafood dish, I suggest that you give this recipe a try. What do you think of this recipe? Share your tempura recipes with us. Just leave it down in the comment section. We appreciate it very much. Feel free to browse our recipe archive. Share and enjoy the food. Thank you for visiting us.

fried kangkong pinit E Egg Quick Meals Vegetable

This Crispy Fried Kangkong, also known as Kangkong Crisp, is a beautiful crispy recipe for water spinach leaves. This simple, inexpensive, and incredibly tasty Filipino appetizer or snack is ideal for any gathering or celebration.

This recipe is straightforward, yet simple but nutritious. It only requires a small amount of time and effort to produce this recipe. This dish is a healthier alternative to chicharon (pork rinds), so if you enjoy them, you might want to give it a try with this vegetable crispy alternative.

How is this crispy fried kangkong made? It’s very simple. You’ll only need to make the perfect batter, then dip in the leaf and fry until it turns crisp. Deep-fried until crispy, serve and enjoy it as a snack or appetizer with your favorite dip sauce of your choice.

Try this delicious authentic Filipino recipe. It is delicious, and I am pretty sure you will love this crispy dish with sawsawan (dipping sauce). It is best to serve it crisp. You can serve this as an appetizer or pulutan with a refreshing cold beverage.
What do you think of this recipe? Share your kangkong (water spinach leaves) recipe with us. Just leave it down in the comment section. We appreciate it very much. Feel free to browse our recipe archive. Share and enjoy the food. Thank you for visiting us.

fried eggplants pinit Quick Meals Vegetable

Fried eggplants Pritong talong are simple pan-fried eggplant slices that have been finely cut and seasoned with salt and pepper and are called "pritong talong." In the Philippines, this is a very common side dish for some grilled meats or fish. But in some Filipino families that are on a tight budget, a plate of rice and this may be a complete dinner with a perfect sawsawan, like toyomansi with siling laboyo. A simple pinoy dish, it is a quick and very easy method of cooking eggplants.

Actually, there are various ways to cook eggplant, some of which require only a very small amount of oil, while others simply bake it because the eggplant will absorb most of the oil during the frying process. If an oven is available, try this recipe to bake it. Or just simply fry the eggplant, or choose what method you prepare the most. Happy cooking. Let me know what you think about our recipe. Please feel free to browse our recipe archive. Share your version of Ginisa recipe with us by dropping it in the comment section. We appreciate it very much. Thank you for visiting us.

dynamite lumpia pinit Dairy High Protein P Pork Quick Meals Vegetable

Recipe for Lumpia na Dynamite - Dynamite Lumpia. This dish is a version of the popular Filipino lumpia, made of lumpia wrappers, or spring roll wrappers in English. Filipino lumpia are often filled with ground pork and vegetables, which are either sauteed in a skillet or scooped into uncooked ground meat seasoned with a certain seasoning.

The Dynamite lumpia version is unique because it uses long green chili peppers stuffed with meat fillings and wrapped in a lumpia wrapper. Then deep fry until the color turns golden brown and crispy. The green chili turns the traditional lumpia into a dynamite of hot, spicy flavor.

You may serve this delicious, simple Filipino dynamite spring roll dish as an appetizer or as a main dish, and this is also best for pulutan. If you are looking for a spicy Filipino recipe to try, dynamite lumpia can be a good choice. Let me know what you think about our recipe. Please feel free to browse our recipe archive. Share your version of lumpia recipe with us by dropping it in the comment section. We appreciate it very much. Thank you for visiting us.

potato with corned beef pinit B Beef High Protein Quick Meals

Are you looking for a good breakfast? This fried potato with corned beef recipe is the best choice to try. It is a super easy and speedy recipe to make. The ingredients are few and easy to find in your kitchen. It’s very simple to prepare. First, fry the potato cubes until crisp. Take it out of the wok and saute with the garlic, onion, and corn beef. Season it , then add back the fried potatoes to the wok. Just cook it for a few minutes and serve it while hot. Note: potatoes are fried with no added to seasoning to keep the natural taste. When eaten with the corn beef, it makes a perfect blend of flavors that come from the meat and the potatoes. Everyone will enjoy this dish because of its distinct and delightful flavor. Simple written instructions are given below. An instructional video is also provided if you need it. Feel free to browse our recipe archive at your most convenient time. Share with us your potato and corned beef recipe. Thank you for visiting us. Happy cooking share and enjoy the food.