pork monggo recipe pinit High Protein P Pork Quick Meals Vegetable

This pork monggo recipe is similar to a classic ginisang monggo. Monggo is so healthy and delicious when cooked. And it’s a great protein source to substitute for meat. This Filipino recipe is a perfect combination of meat and vegetables for a healthy meal. Many Filipinos love to eat monggo. One thing I like about this recipe is that it is not expensive; it is very suitable for a tight-budget family. A cup of monggo with meat and leafy vegetables is enough to provide a delicious and nutritious meal for a hungry stomach. Try this easy-to-prepare pork monggo dish. Share and enjoy! Happy cooking!

Sikwate or Chocolate de Batirol pinit C Chocolate D Drinks

Sikwate, or Chocolate de Batirol, is a Filipino hot chocolate made from cacao (cocoa). In some parts of Mindanao and Visayas, like Cebu, we called it sikwate ("sik-wah-teh"). This is also known as tsokolate de batirol since a special tool called a batirol, a wooden instrument, is used to refine the texture of the tsokolate.
The main ingredient in sikwate is tableya. To make sikwate or tsokolate, it is a must to use a Filipino tablea, a pure cacao disc of raw chocolate. Tablea, or tableya, is made from cocoa beans, also known as cacao. The cocoa beans are dried, roasted, and milled, then traditionally hand-formed into small balls and flattened to form tablets. In the modern era, molders are used to make a uniform shape of tableya. Nowadays, pure tablya is semi-hard to find. Some commercial tableya we bought from the store is mixed in with some ingredients, like sugar and milk, resulting in a smooth, delicious cup of hot chocolate. But the taste is slightly different from the pure one.
For me, I prefer to use pure tablea in making hot chocolate (sikwate) so that I can control the sweetness of the drinks. Making hot chocolate is very easy. Just boil the tableya disc, stirring occasionally, until it completely dissolves (a batirol, if available, is better). Adding sugar and milk will result in a sweet, smooth hot chocolate drink, just adjust the desired sweetness. Sikwate is best paired with pandesal or any bread of your choice and rice puto (called "puto sikwate" in some parts of Leyte).

binangkal recipe pinit B Bread E Egg

Binangkal is a delicious Filipino sesame bread ball. Its origins are in the Visayas and Mindanao regions of the Philippines. The binangkal is made from dough, formed into small balls, coated with sesame seeds, and deep fried until crisp and golden. Traditionally, it is often eaten with a cup of hot coffee or even a cup of sikwate (Filipino hot chocolate). It is also best for an afternoon treat. Share and enjoy!

ensaymada recipe ensaymada pinit B Bread Dairy E Egg

This Filipino classic ensaymada recipe is so yummy and a very popular sweet pastry among Filipinos. This bread gained more popularity for a reason: this sweet pastry can be purchased at any local bakery and the well-known chain bakeries, along with other famous breads like pandesal. This Filipino bread is best served with a cup of hot coffee or even a cup of sikwate (Filipino hot chocolate). Try our classic ensaymada recipe. Please take note that this recipe requires skills to perfect the result. The size of the oven also matters for the entire baking period.

pandesal pinit B Bread Dairy

Pandesal or “salt bread” is a Filipino bread rolls that is commonly consumed for breakfast, served with a hot cup of coffee. This bread is the most popular in the Philippines. The price is affordable. It's a classic bread with a golden, crumb-coated exterior and a delicious taste. It is perfect to serve for breakfast or as a snack with a filling of your choice. It is also best to serve with a cup of sikwate (Filipino hot chocolate).

putong bigas pinit Desserts Desserts Kids

Putong bigas or putong puti recipe. This is a classic puto recipe prepared with regular white rice instead of rice flour. The rice is simply soaked and ground with the help of an ordinary blender to get a rice batter. This Filipino steamed rice cake is a delicious and hearty snack or breakfast with a hot cup of coffee or sikwate (Filipino hot chocolate). Recipe Difficulty: Advance; it required skills to perfect the recipe.

tamagoyaki japanese omelet pinit E Egg High Protein Quick Meals

Japanese omelet (tamagoyaki) is one of the most popular side dishes in Japan often serve on breakfast. An omelet is produced by gently rolling numerous thin layers of egg mixture into a rectangular shape, giving the omelet a soft and very fine texture. This recipe can be prepared at home quickly, although the technique can be difficult at first. Try your best to keep each layer's color consistent and each fold parallel to the previous one.

Note: Preparing this dish an 8-inch nonstick skillet will do.