inihaw na tilapia with salted egg or grilled fish pinit Fish High Protein

Inihaw na tilapia with salted egg or grilled tilapia. This recipe may not be your typical inihaw na tilapia. In this recipe, the fish tilapia is prepared with certain spices for stuffing, along with a salted egg. From the very basic inihaw na tilapia, salted egg is added to the ingredient list to bring out the natural taste of the fish. It tastes creamy, juicy on the meat, and a bit salty, which makes the dish more delectable. The dish is best eaten warm with a bowl of warm rice. The inihaw na tilapia with salted egg can be served plain or with toyo mansi, a calamansi-soy sauce dip that you can spice up with red chili if you go with it. For a smokey taste, grill the tilapia fish using hot charcoal; it tastes better, but it depends on your preferences.

ground pork with potatoes and carrots pinit High Protein P Pork Quick Meals

It's simple to prepare ground pork with potatoes and carrots for both everyday meals and special occasions. This hearty, delicious, and comforting Filipino stew dish is made with ground pork, potatoes, carrots, and bell peppers. The dish is simmered with a tomato-based sauce until thoroughly cooked. Try this straightforward Filipino dish and serve it to your loved ones; surely they will enjoy this lovely Filipino stew dish.